consulting a physiotherapist

6 Proven Ways to Manage Arthritis Pain Throughout the Winter


Winter is the most delightful season! This season is full of festive cheer and decorations. However, these seasons also bring cold temperatures, dry air, and chapped lips and feet. Being exposed to cold weather can lead to health issues, particularly for people with existing medical conditions. Arthritis is one of the ailments that increases throughout the winter and requires physiotherapy from the best physiotherapist in Wadala East to mitigate pain.

Before consulting a physiotherapist, read this post to explore a few techniques to relieve arthritis discomfort during the colder seasons.

Six Arthritis Pain-Relief Tips for The Winter Season

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight – During the winter, the more stress you put on your joints, the more pain you receive in return. Thus, maintaining a healthy weight will make you feel better by reducing the pressure on your muscles and joints. Adults with high BMI are more likely to have brown adipose tissue, which releases pro-inflammatory substances and may affect joints. In addition, inflammation can lead to the development of autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Obesity has also been connected to knee arthritis.
  • Exercise – Exercise may not always require high-intensity activity. Even basic stretches and warm-ups can help lessen stiffness. It additionally improves blood circulation and lubricates joints. Therefore, to stay healthy throughout the winter, try to engage in regular physical activity.
  • Stay Hydrated – It is necessary to stay hydrated, even in wintertime. The dry air of winter requires extra hydration and humidity within the body. Drinking eight glasses of water every day is the most effective strategy to relieve arthritic pain caused by a cold.
  • Include Vitamin D Into the Diet – During the winter seasons, the sun, our primary source of vitamin D, usually disappears suddenly. During this situation, taking vitamin D pills every day can reduce the risk of arthritic discomfort.
  • Stretch And Get Moving – Regular physical activity is essential for managing arthritis symptoms. Stretching helps to relax stiff muscles and joints. Regular exercise suggested by the best physiotherapist Wadala East, promotes flexibility and joint function. Furthermore, exercise helps keep the body warm, thereby minimizing the impacts of cold weather.
  • Maintain Body Temperature – Warm clothes will help you stay warm during the cold. Scarves, gloves, and coats/sweaters/jackets can be worn depending on your level of comfort. Electric blankets, heated pads, and room heaters are a few options for keeping warm. To ease stiffness, you may try using a hot water bag daily.


Arthritis is one of the conditions that has no permanent cure. However, prevention is always better than cure. If you continue experiencing arthritic discomfort despite following the suggestions given above, you may consult with a trained physiotherapist attached at Kamalika’s Physiotherapy. Our physiotherapists can design a specific home exercise program based on your physical ability and goals to gradually ease arthritis-related pain. So, call us today to keep active and healthy by obtaining excellent physiotherapy treatments at reasonable rates.


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