Effective Physiotherapy Treatment for Genu Valgum (Knock-Knee)

Genu Valgum

Genu valgum, commonly known as knock-knee, is a condition characterized by the inward angling of the lower legs, causing the knees to touch or come close together while the ankles remain apart. It can lead to discomfort, instability, and altered gait patterns. While some cases of genu valgum may require medical intervention, physiotherapy plays a […]

Effective Lymphatic Drainage for Legs at Home

Lymphatic Drainage

What is Lymphatic Drainage for Legs? Lymphatic drainage for legs is a massage technique that aims to stimulate the lymphatic system, promoting the removal of excess fluid and waste products from the tissues. This can be beneficial for people who experience swelling or edema in their legs, such as those with lymphedema, post-operative swelling, or […]

5 Benefits You Can Get With Physiotherapy after Knee Replacement Surgery

5 Benefits You Can Get With Physiotherapy after Knee Replacement Surgery

According to healthcare professionals, a patient’s recovery process post-knee replacement surgery is equally important as the surgery. No matter how critical or minimal your knee replacement surgery was; the importance of physiotherapy after knee replacement surgery cannot be denied. Regular physiotherapy post-surgery helps to achieve the movement and posture that a patient might lose due […]

Top 10 Physiotherapy Colleges in India To Pursue Bachelor of Physiotherapy

Top Physiotherapy Colleges

With zero doubt in mind, physiotherapy is considered one of the best professions these days. The demand for physiotherapists is increasing day by day for various reasons, and the modern lifestyle is to blame for sure. Be it immobility due to accident, injury, and/or disease; it can lead to loss of movement, motion, and balance […]