Physiotherapists in Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis – How Physiotherapy Can Help Treating It?


Physiotherapy is a holistic approach to reducing pain and inflammation in muscles and joints caused by diseases or injuries to patients irrespective of age. For patients who are suffering from cervical spondylosis, physiotherapy can help them alleviate pains and muscle immobility. Cervical spondylosis is common in patients who are 40 or above by age. According to sources, nearly eighty-five percent of people over 60, suffer from similar degrees of cervical spondylosis. There is indeed no specific treatment for cervical spondylosis. But, with a regular session of physiotherapy, patients can lead an easier life compared to life without physiotherapy. 

To date, physiotherapy treatment in Bagdogra by renowned physiotherapist Kamalika has changed many lives. And, if you are suffering from the same and fade up with pain medications, contact Kamalika’s Physiotherapy to get a truly tailored physiotherapy treatment plan to regain motion and flexibility in life. 

What is Cervical Spondylosis in Actual?

Cervical Spondylosis is known as neck arthritis in the medical domain. It is not a disease but a condition and/or symptoms that affect neck bones and disks. With time, the condition worsens and makes it hard for patients to move their necks easily due to the degeneration of neck disks and compression of nerves in the same area. 

Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis

It is said that most of the people are not able to understand that they are undergoing cervical spondylosis. Symptoms that help them understand the presence of cervical spondylosis in their necks are, 

  • Severe neck pain and muscle stiffness 
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Numbness and weakness in hands
  • Difficulties with swallowing or breathing

Pain medication can give you a temporary relief. But, with physiotherapy for cervical spondylosis, you can get rid of severe neck pain and stiffness gradually. 

Why does Cervical Spondylosis occur? 

Cervical spondylosis is an age-related condition. However, some factors increase the chances of being affected by this condition. These are, 

  • Your occupation: If you do a job where you need to sit or stand in the same position for a long time. 
  • Genetics: If there is a history of cervical spondylosis in your family, the chances are there to suffer from the same. 
  • Injury/Accident: If you had an injury or accident and your neck had suffered badly. It increases the chances of cervical spondylosis. 

How Physiotherapist Helps Alleviating Pain from Cervical Spondylosis?

As it is said before, there is no such treatment to cure cervical spondylosis. However, your physiotherapist can help you alleviate neck pain and stiffness due to cervical spondylosis with tailored physiotherapy treatment in Bagdogra.  Let us know how….

  • First, your physiotherapist will assess the condition of the neck and test its strength and reflexes. 
  • Next, the physiotherapist designs a regime of physiotherapy with muscle stretching, straightening, and strengthening exercises. 
  • Next, he/she will compress the affected area with heat and cold modalities and a set of massages to start the exercise session. 
  • He/she can suggest neck traction to open up the space between vertebrae and reduce pain in distressed discs.  
  • He/she can suggest a cervical neck pillow or collar to reduce neck pain and rest your neck with more relaxation. 

These are just a few of many that an experienced physiotherapist suggests to get patients rid of cervical spondylosis pain. 

On A Closing Note…

If you are 40 or above, and undergoing these symptoms for days, don’t ignore it. Rather consult with a physiotherapist to have a tailored physiotherapy treatment plan. 


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