Physiotherapy for Frozen Shoulder

Physiotherapy for Frozen Shoulder – A Holistic Solution to Reduce Pain


Mobility in the shoulder is crucial for all of us to perform day-to-day activities. No matter, what you are, a homemaker, working professional, or a student; issues on your shoulders make your life tougher. We generally face such issues when we have frozen shoulders. A frozen shoulder is painful as well as it prevents the sufferer from moving arms frequently. So, if you are the one who is suffering frequently from this issue, this blog is for you. Here we will learn more about frozen shoulders from a professional female physiotherapist Kurla East at Kamalika’s Physiotherapy and how to deal with the pain holistically. 

Let’s delve in….

What is a Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a critical condition where your shoulder suffers from pain and stiffness frequently. The pain and stiffness make your shoulder difficult to move or function. Even, you can hardly perform daily work including cooking, dressing up, typing, brushing your teeth, washing or combing hair, washing utensils and clothes, and driving a car due to the pain. 

Frozen shoulder is also called adhesive capsulitis. The pain and stiffness in the shoulder lead to inflammation. The condition advances in 3 stages including freezing, frozen, and thawing. Most people take NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), oral glucocorticoids, and intra-articular glucocorticoid injections to get rid of the pain for a certain time. However, holistic methods are always appreciated instead of these over-the-counter drugs or injections, and this is how physiotherapy comes into play.  It is good to continue both medications prescribed by your physician and physiotherapy sessions simultaneously to get rid of a frozen shoulder effectively rather than suppressing it with OTC drugs. 

Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapy 

Many people confuse rotator cuff tears, bursitis, and arthritis with frozen shoulder. However, if you have been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder, you should contact the best physiotherapist near you to get rid of the pain holistically. In that case, you can contact Kamalika’s Physiotherapy to hire the best physiotherapist in the location you belong to. Once your physiotherapy sessions start, you will have a set of physiotherapy treatment plans including

  • Exercises to gain resistance on your shoulders. 
  • Aerobic activities along with swimming (if you can swim).
  • Holistic massage therapy. 
  • Healing sessions with heat pads and ice bags.
  • Physical therapy with stretching. 
  • Other manipulation and mobilization techniques include triggering the pain points by imposing pressure with thumbs, arm movement techniques (arm swinging), and stretching. 


Moreover, sometimes a physiotherapist includes programs like flowing, pilates, hand exercises, water or pool exercises, cycling, and walking to get the best results from the therapy sessions for the patients. 

Does Physiotherapy Offer Long-Term Solution for Frozen Shoulder?

Physiotherapy or physical exercise is a part of the comprehensive treatment for frozen shoulder. It alleviates pain and reduces stiffness in the shoulder. No doubt, it is a safe option. However, if the pain is out of control then physicians recommend surgery as well. 

To Conclude

The frozen shoulder issue does not go completely. It is a recurring issue. So, if your pain is not that hyper you need to go for surgery, it is good to undergo regular physiotherapy from an experienced physiotherapist until the symptoms resolve completely. Contact Kamalika’s Physiotherapy to hire the best female physiotherapist in Kurla East.


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